Black Moles on Face

When I heard that there was a beauty saloon who specialized in removing black moles and marks, I went over.

This is a close-up of my face.

Black moles are all over on the sides of the cheeks and filled with acne scars. I've been trying to get rid of these for so long now that it is a huge stress now.

So I went to this Beauty Saloon where they said they can remove all these moles. At first I was skeptical and didn't think it would work, but then I tried to give them a chance.

He used a skin blemish removal pen. It works by burning off the mole. Though not exactly painful, it was uncomfortable. It was sort of a prickling feel and I could smell burnt skin.

After the treatment he advised me not to go in the sunlight and to avoid eating spicy food.

Have any of you ever tried Skin Blemish Removal Pen?


  1. I am so happy that you found something that worked for you! Thank you so much for sharing, and thanks as well for your kind comment on my blog post, I really appreciate it.

    1. Hi Linda,

      Thanks for coming along to read about my struggles.

  2. i have tried...i never found anything that worked. i hope you have success!!!

    1. Hi Debbie,

      Its so sad that we have to struggle with this.

  3. I hope this work for you. I too have lots of moles on my face but I have not tried this method.

    1. I would suggest you give it a go, Nancy. It's available to buy on ebay.

  4. I do hope this works for you ...
    My good wishes

    All the best Jan

  5. Thank you for visiting my blog. I'm often a little slow in returning the gesture.
    WOW, that really seems to remove the blemishes. I wonder if they will return with time. I have removed moles and age spots on my face with apple cider vinegar. Even took off a rather large mole but that takes time..... mine was at least 6 months in putting the vinegar on several times a day.

    You asked about juicing and carrot juice is always a marvelous base (or alone) for most problems in the body.

    This looks like it is really doing a wonderful job for you. I have heard of different ways to remove moles and spots but I've always done it the old fashioned way.
    Great luck to you and thanks for visiting.

    1. I've started juicing now. Thanks for introducing me!
